Did you know?
If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you should consult a spine specialist:- Has your low back pain extended down your leg?
- Does your leg pain increase if you lift your knee to your chest or bend over?
- Have you had severe back pain following a recent fall?
- Have you had significant back pain lasting for more than 3 weeks?
- Have you had back pain that becomes worse when you rest, or wakes you up at night?
- Do you have persistent bladder or bowel problems?
Additional Resources
- NOTE: This list provides links to external on-line resources. Each link will open a new browser window.
- North American Spine Society a non-profit corporation
- Cervical Spine Research Society
- Scoliosis Research Society
- The International Spine Intervention Society
- American Academy of Pain Medicine
- American Pain Society
- A-O North America
- American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Association of Neurological Surgeons
- Back.com
- Neck Reference
- iScoliosis

- Notice of Disclaimer for external resource links.
The Spine Institute does not support nor endorse any of the resources listed above. They are provided for informational purposes only, and is not a comprehensive list.
Introduction to Degenerative Disc Disease
Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease can produce pain as a worn disc becomes thin, narrowing the space between the vertebrae. With less space available, nerves may become compressed, causing them to swell and signal pain.
Pieces of the damaged disc may also break off and cause irritation of the nerves. As the disc loses its ability to absorb stress and provide support, other parts of the spine become overloaded, thus leading to irritation, inflammation, fatigue, muscle spasms, and back pain.
The amount of pain from degenerative disc disease can vary from naggingly irritating to severely debilitating. Most patients have some underlying chronic low back pain with intermittent episodes of severe pain. Usually, sitting worsens the pain more than standing. Bending, twisting, and lifting generally worsen the pain and lying down reduces it by relieving the strain on the disc space.
In addition to back pain, there may also be pain, numbness, and tingling in the legs if the disc degeneration is located in the lower spine. Pain in the neck, shoulder blades, arms, and hands as well as numbness and tingling in the shoulder and arms may be present for disc degeneration in the upper spine.
Treatment Options for Degenerative Disc Disease
A news report on degenerative disc surgery from KTLA Ch5, Los Angeles, CA. (click on the image below to watch the video)- Medications
- Acupuncture
- Body Braces
- Physical Therapy
Conservative Treatments:
- Artificial Disc Replacement
- Spinal Fusion
- Nucleus Regeneration
- Gene Therapy
- Epidural Injections
Surgical Treatments:
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The Spine Institute is often in the news pioneering new treatments to help the reported 34 million Americans 18 years and older who suffer lower back pain, and another 9 million who suffer neck pain. Watch the news coverage here.