Did you know?
If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you should consult a spine specialist:- Has your low back pain extended down your leg?
- Does your leg pain increase if you lift your knee to your chest or bend over?
- Have you had severe back pain following a recent fall?
- Have you had significant back pain lasting for more than 3 weeks?
- Have you had back pain that becomes worse when you rest, or wakes you up at night?
- Do you have persistent bladder or bowel problems?
Did you know The Spine Institute conducts clinical trials?

Most advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients with spine injury or disease have occurred because of clinical trials. Examples include improved diagnostic tests that allow for earlier treatment, increased knowledge and education regarding risk factors, and experimental treatments. The results of many clinical trials have contributed to health care professionals finding better ways to treat injury or diseases of the spine.
If you have back pain don't put off treatment any longer, contact the spine care specialist at The Spine Institute today.
Health Facts

Back pain is often caused by obesity
Most people know that obesity contributes to the development of various diseases. However, did you know that obesity is a contributing factor to back pain? It is true. Being overweight or obese can significantly contribute to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Popular subjects
DISC | research | DDD |surgeons | spine | HERNIATED | ARTIFICIAL nucleus | TRIALS | BACK PAIN | video | FUSION | laminectomy | conservative | TREATMENTS
Patient Forms
Several patient forms are available for download in Microsoft Word format.Facts Sheet

This document contains information about our office and it's policies, including information about:
- office hours
- prescriptions
- test results
- billing questions
- scheduling appointments
- insurance authorization requirements
- requests for medical records
- payment policy
- directions and parking
New Patient Information Form:

Film Return/Distruction Form:

Patient Consent For Use and Disclosure
of Protected Health Information:
Download (12KB)
Patient Authorization For Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information For Purpose Requested by the Practice:
Download (22KB)
The Spine Institute Notice of Privacy Practices:
Download (38KB)
The Spine Institute (Mark Goodson Building)
444 South San Vicente,
Suite 901
Los Angeles, Ca 90048
Phone: 888-774-6376
(Click here for directions)
The Spine Institute (Medical Imaging Building)
2811 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 850
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Phone: 888-774-6376
(Click here for directions)
- Follow-up Appointments If you are a non-surgical patient, and the doctor requests that you return for a follow-up visit, please be sure to make your return appointment prior to leaving our office or within a week following your original appointment. This will insure your appointment is at a time convenient for you.
- Post-Operative Appointments Surgical patients need to be seen at a time determined by the doctor. It is recommended that an appointment be made prior to being discharged from the hospital.
- Please be advised that it is the patient's responsibility to obtain the necessary authorizations from their insurance company prior to seeing a doctor. Prior authorization is also required for any plain x-rays that are taken in our office during your visit.
- If we have not received a written approval prior to your appointment, we will require you to make full payment at that time, or your appointment will be cancelled.
- If you are uncertain whether a pre-certification is required, please contact your benefits department. If you are a member of an HMO/HealthNet, you must get prior approval from your primary care physician. The necessary telephone numbers are usually located on the back of your insurance card. If you are a Workman's Compensation patient, you must obtain prior approval from your adjuster.
- If your insurance company/workman's compensation require information from the doctor regarding the need for a visit, please let us know and we will forward the required paperwork.
- Medicare does not require any pre-certification.
We are committed to providing you with the best care possible. In order to achieve this goal we are in need of your assistance and understanding of our financial policy in the following areas:- Initial Consultation The patient is responsible for any copayments and any unmet deductible amount, due and payable at the time of the office visit. As a courtesy, the office will bill your insurance company, provided you furnish the office with a completed insurance claim form or insurance card. A patient without medical insurance will be required to pay in full at the time of service.
- Initial Consultation (Medicare Patients) Since our office accepts Medicare assignment, we will bill Medicare for you. Patients who have Medicare only, are responsible for the co-insurance portion approved by Medicare. If you have a secondary insurance, we will also bill them for you.
- Physical Therapy It is recommended that all patients in need of physical therapy contact their insurance company to find out exactly what benefits they are entitled to. Medicare restrictions on benefits can be explained by our staff.
- Cancellation of Appointments All cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment. Patients who are more than 20 minutes late will not be able to see the doctor and will have to reschedule their appointment.
- Workmen's Compensation Must be pre-approved before the patient may receive services.
- Types of Payment Cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
While the filing of your insurance claim is a courtesy we extend to our patients, we must
emphasize that as medical care providers, our relationship is with you the patient, not your insurance
company. All charges are the responsibility of the patient from the date the services are rendered. We
realize that from time to time temporary financial setbacks may affect timely payments on your account.
If such problems do arise, we encourage you to contact our office for assistance in the management of
your account.
Our Staff will gladly discuss your proposed treatment and answer any question relating to your insurance.
However, not all services are a covered benefit in all contracts and you must realize that your
insurance is a contract between you, your employer, and the insurance company.
If you have any questions about the above information or have uncertainty reqarding the insurance
coverage, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.
Latest news
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The Spine Institute is often in the news pioneering new treatments to help the reported 34 million Americans 18 years and older who suffer lower back pain, and another 9 million who suffer neck pain. Watch the news coverage here.